The DCRT participated in a special session at the 2nd Dutch Antisense Therapeutics Symposium that was held in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, on 1 and 2 June 2023. The DCRT session, chaired by Willeke van Roon-Mom, consisted of presentations by the three partner institutes LUMC, ErasmusMC and Radboudumc. Marlen Lauffer, Ype Elgersma and Rob Collin presented their work on antisense oligonucleotide therapy. The session concluded with a panel discussion chaired by Annemieke Aartsma-Rus on regulatory issues with Valentina Cordo from the European Medicines Agency. DCRT's early career researchers Laurie Kerkhof, Frederique Rotteveel, Bianca Zardetto and Dion den Hertog presented their poster at the DATS. More on this in further news feeds!
posted on June 5, 2023
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