My name is Max Voslamber, a 3rd-year bachelor’s student in biomedical sciences at Leiden University. For the coming 4 months, I will be following an internship at the DCRT where I will be working on the development of an allele-specific antisense oligonucleotide (AON). This project aims to target and inactivate a disease-causing mutated allele but leave the wild-type homologous allele intact. Eventually, the goal is to decrease the disease burden associated with this mutated allele by preventing the translation of the mutated transcript using an AON. During my stay at the DCRT, I will be most focused on performing trans-differentiation, midi-gene assays and RNA quantification, which will be used to test and evaluate the AONs. I will tell you more about the assays later on.
published on Mar 23, 2022
Nieuwe alinea
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